A COVID-19-Related Message to the Community from Student Counseling Services
Most members of the Connecticut College campus community are new to facing global health crises. Your campus mental health care providers and individuals who are not new to health crises among us, know that sustaining your mental health and well-being in the face of risk to the physical health (of yourself, close-others, and the larger community) requires intentional/strategic coping. Accordingly, we are sharing the following resources which includes information, coping tips, and resources from the field.
We encourage you to try everything included here, determine what you find personally helpful, and incorporate it into regular wellness practices for this trying time. Many of these resources have been generously made accessible by our colleagues at other institutions. Others have come from psychological and mental health organizations looking to facilitate healthy coping across communities. We ask that in keeping with this tradition of community care and communal coping, you share this with your fellow community members, friends, and family as they may be helpful.
Please remember that we are in this together. No Camel is alone. We will make it through this by supporting ourselves and each other.
Stay well and take good care,
Your SCS Staff
For more information and additional information on coping with COVID 19, please click here.
Contact us by clicking here to complete a brief request form.